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Status Spotlight: Nandi Henderson

Updated: Mar 3, 2024

Living in a world where everyone is literally attached to their phone or some other technological device, people tend to take a ton of photos. Whether it's a selfie, a candid shot or a full blown professional photo shoot, the shutter buttons are constantly going off. This fact holds true for Thursday's Status Spotlight, Nandi Henderson, who recently created Snapped Photography. Having received her B.S. in Broadcast and Integrated Media from Morgan State University, Nandi is the friend who is constantly in front of and behind the camera. Her Instagram isn't comprised of 100+ selfies, but rather photos and videos that show off her work, captured through her phone and Canon camera lens. Known to her friends as Nanz, she feels that the right photo to document a great time is one that has the proper warmth, saturation, contrast and brightness settings.

I've known Nandi since the 4th grade, and later on in life we discovered that our parents sent us to the same baby sitter as infants (DC really is that small). I remember her first day

  in the classroom; we instantly became friends and the rest has truly been history. She's been my best friend ever since, and it's amazing to see how much her photography has grown. Nandi is very passionate about travel and documentary style photography, and she certainly doesn't waste any time when it comes to hopping on a plane. Having been her traveling companion on a lot of her adventures, she always finds a way to take vacation photos to the next level. It takes a keen eye to recognize the true elements that make a photo magical, and other people noticed that as well. Once people started asking her if she did professional photo shoots, it seemed impossible to not start up her photography business. You'll see her all over the city and in surrounding areas flicking it up, whether she's shooting prom send-offs, parties, graduates or just using her friends as muses. 

Nandi hopes for Snapped to grow into a well established business where she's able to document her travel experiences through blogging, create documentaries that hold weight about the issues true to her heart, and continue taking people's thoughts and expressing them through photos. She's continuing her academic career, currently studying at the Parsons School of Art and Design for a Graduate Certification in Graphic Communications. Keep a close eye on this black queen and never underestimate the abilities of a keen eye and an iPhone camera. We'll be on the look out for some fire shots to come from Nandi, and you can keep up with her on Instagram and Twitter.

Instagram: @nmhxix

Twitter: @nmhxix 

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