Our spotlight today is on one of my good men Ameer Collier. He is a graduate of Temple University with a degree in Media Studies/Production and after receiving his degree he started the DOCS formula (Dreams. Observe. Camera. Sound), The DOCS is an audio visual collective, that shoots videos, runs sound boards, set up lighting (basically anything you need to put on a production.) They also put together showcases and Open Mics highlighting artists, One particular showcase series of theirs is the Kitchen Concert. The concept behind the Kitchen Concert being merging two of the things that people love the most, music and food. At the Kitchen Concerts there are artist performing live music while the audience is provided with different dishes. It's sort of like the best of both worlds.
Along with with the DOCS, Ameer also cofounded the Hues Project, which is a community outreach/community engagement entity. His goal for the Hues is to act as a unifying force for people of all creative outlets, shining light on talented individuals in all mediums. The Hues give back to the community as well as serve as a unifying force and Ameer hopes they can continue to work as that bridge that brings people together.